Terms and Conditions

  1. We offer a Network to share high-performance reliable codes. Every submitted code from users has to be copyright-free. You are not allowed to submit a code with clearly stolen content. We will check every code for possible data piracy. If we find any indications, the code will not be published on our site. If we get any complains about stolen data, we will first verify the identity of the complaining person. After a successful verification we will give him/her the email from the code submitter. The following process is not in our hands.
  2. It's not our goal to support internet-crime. All we want to do is to share our knowledge of this topic with fellow programmers, as well as let them share their own ideas via our platform to our community. This means, whenever we feature another website via our platform, we do not have any contract with the owners of the other page. We simply share their site in case we find it interesting and think our community does as well. If we were in a financial contract with any other site, we would mention it near the button to this other site.
  3. In case our codes are used on a private PC and after the usage the PC is damaged, we are not responsible.
  4. When our codes are used to shut down / crash a server, it may cause serious damage. In the worst case it has to be reset and restructured completely. Processes like this can cost big amounts of money and can easily lead to missing data. We are not obligated to pay these costs. A server provider can sue you for hacking. In any case, we do not take the responsibility on us.
  5. You can use, and share our codes for free. But in every case, you are not allowed to delete the comment box on the codes that can be downloaded from our DropBox site or our Visual Studio Site. You are also not allowed to sell our products without official permission by the administrators.  
  6. Many jurisdictions have laws under which denial-of-service attacks are illegal. In the US, denial-of-service attacks may be considered a federal crime under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act with penalties that include years of imprisonment. The Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section of the USDepartment of Justice handles cases of (D)DoS. In European countries, committing criminal denial-of-service attacks may, as a minimum, lead to arrest. The United Kingdom is unusual in that it specifically outlawed denial-of-service attacks and set a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison with the Police and Justice Act 2006, which amended Section 3 of the Computer Misuse Act 1990. If you decide to commit these kinds of crimes, you do it on your own risk.
  7. We offer a collection of gaming codes and hacks. When using please consider that hacks are illegal. The game developers can sue you to a high amount of money. You use our hacking tutorials on your own risk.
  8. On our site you find a detailed tutorial on how to hack a strangers PC by using a trojan. We tested it on our company-intern PCs. If you use it on a PC without the owners permission you are committing a highly illegal crime. This can het you in a bad situation in a court of law.
  9. Whenever we insert ad-widgets from other sites on our own, there is no guarantee that these are serious companys. So if you were to register yourself on a website you know from OverflowCodes and end up getting scammed, we do not take any responsibility.

Our Terms and Conditions listet above are valid in every possible situation. Either in a personal conflict or in a court of law.