About Overflowcodes

Overflowcodes.tk is the quick and easy (D)DoS Site for pranks and actual (D)DoS. No matter  what PC you're on, just enter our site, copy a code, and let the Cyberwar begin.

Crashing Servers with (D)DoS

As your may know, to hack a server, one of the easiest ways is to simply get too many people on the server at the same time. You can use the same technique on servers or directly on a PC. Because if there are too many requests for a task, the server / PC can't handle it and will crash. And if you don't know how to codes these files, or are looking for new ideas, this is the site for you!


One of our recent Codes managed to crash one of our technician-school servers. It had to be reset entirely. So we do NOT take ANY responsibility for caused damage from our codes!!!

The Law on (D)Dos

No matter where you live, causing a Server or PC crash through (D)Dos is a federal crime. But depending on who you're screwing, the punishment may depend. If it's a private person or a small business, chances are that they are willing to forgive you. But when you try to mess with a big Business, they will sue you.

Oneof our Co-Founders used a special code we called "School-Server-Maxout" and launched it on a local  drive on our schoolserver. After a few short moments the drive collapsed, and two IT-Guys rushed into the pc-room yelling "Who is *** ***?". 

For his luck, there were no consequences for him, but it could have ended fatally. But that doesn't mean, that everybody drops all possible charges against you.

So keep in mind:


(D)DoS is illegal and can get you in serious trouble!



Chances are, that you heard of the hacker-group Anonymous. Their experts are people who do crimes like hacking hidden ISIS Websites and then they manipulate them to make fun of ISIS. 

But the main Power of Anonymous is the high count of members. This brings two perks: First of all, the more People you have, the less is there a chance of a (D)Dos-victim taking revenge. In a case of (D)Dos from Anonymous, they call their Members on Social Media and tell them about their Target, as well as telling them an exact date and time. At this time, all Members can join a special site. This site lets you enter a particular Website and logs you in for example 100 times. And when 10'000 People do this simultaniously, the website-server crashes, since it can only take a limited amount of requests. Attacks like these are named "Distributed Denial of Service" / (D)DoS.